my Fibromyalgia

During my 25 years of living with severe Chronic Pain, I’ve heard about Fibromyalgia and have know people who have it.


I must admit, fibromyalgia struck me as a “fad” diagnosis as a way to diagnosis miscellaneous pain symptoms of unknown origin.  

Furthermore, I shared the popular belief among many that Fibromyalgia is nothing more than the “usual aches & pains” associated with the normal aging process.  Perhaps a healthy diet and minimal exercise is the answer to solving the Fibromyalgia mystery……


It wasn’t until I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia that I realized that Fibromyalgia is a very real and very painful form of Chronic Pain.





As explained on mypainweb’s Fibromyalgia section, one or more of these risk factors can unlock this disease:

  • Strong stressful situation
  • Physical trauma
  • Surgical intervention
  • Genetic factors



For me, the many spine fusions surgeries and constant chronic pain lasting over 25 years created the perfect storm for Fibromyalgia.

OK…, how did I know something wasn’t right; especially when I was used to being in constant Chronic Pain??


Approximately 3 months after my 2nd Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Surgery (ACDF;2/19), which was my 5th spine fusion surgery with instrumentation (hardware implants), I began experiencing significant knee pain….in both knees. 

There was no precursor; no activity…..odd movement….slip….twist, or tweak.  Both knees just starting hurting.  A constant throb with sharp pain sensation when walking, sitting or even standing.   I also noted that the usual pain medication which offers some temporary, short term relief didn’t help the knee pain.


Approximately 4 months after the 2nd ACDF, I began feeling deep, severe pain in my right hip area.  Same as the knee pains…..nothing changed that caused or contributed to the hip pain.  Again, no relief from my usual pain medication.


I then noticed that the knee pains and hip pains usually took turns as opposed to experiencing both simultaneously; although that occasionally occurred.  I surmised that I was obviously feeling the effects of some aging accelerated by being more sedentary than what I preferred.


Approximately 7 months after my 2nd ACDF, I began feeling strong chest area pain.  The pain was in the left area of my chest.  Taking a complete breath in was too painful.  The chest pain was a deep ache sensation that was constant regardless of my body position….regardless of being at rest or walking.  It was always there.


Needless to say, the chest pain created anxiety and further affected my already poor sleep cycles.  The alternating knee pains, hip pains along with my usual lumbar pain with an increase in cervical spine pain became overwhelming at times.


I’m see my cardiologist annually for an existing MVP (mitral valve prolapse….leaky heart valve).  It’s controlled by medication and I feel no pain or symptoms from the MVP.  I met with my cardiologist about the chest pain.  After the consult, my cardiologist ruled out the pain is being caused by a cardiac issue.  While that was a huge relief, I remained incredibly concerned about the relentless chest pain.


What did I do next??


I listed my chest pain symptoms onto the google search bar……to my surprise, the following chest pain condition populated:


“Fibromyalgia chest pain has been referred to costochondritis, a condition that inflames the cartilage connecting your ribs to your breastbone. Costochondritis mostly causes pain in the rib cage and upper breast bone.  Fibromyalgia chest pains can be a frightening and painful experience because the chest pain can mimic a heart attack.”


Without question, at least in my mind, that’s exactly describes the chest pain  I’ve been experiencing.


Further Fibromyalgia research connected the rest of my severe pain during the past several months (knees, hip and increased cervical spine).


Below is a graphic illustrating Fibromyalgia “Tender Points” used to help diagnose Fibromyalgia:
















The knee, hip, cervical spine and chest pains I’ve been experiencing during the past several months seem to point towards Fibromyalgia.


Upon consulting with my Pain Management Doctor, the Fibromyalgia diagnosis was confirmed.  My Doctor commented that he was not surprised I had acquired Fibromyalgia.  He explained that the constant severe pain along with the many spine fusion surgeries I have experienced over the past 25 years has caused chemical changes with my brain.  My brain and central nervous system processes pain very differently which is the Fibromyalgia trademark.



I’ll discuss how widespread Fibromyalgia is and how to properly diagnose Fibromyalgia in mypainweb’s Fibromyalgia Prevalence section located under Painweb Help….



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