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Connecting to others is critical

Family, friends, healthcare professionals, religious leaders are some of the people you must stay connected to.Reach out and connect to those people struggling with similar chronic pain. Listening to them and offering them the specifics of your painweb will not … Continue reading

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A painweb starts with a single pain strand which, overtime, begins to weave an intricate & complex web of pain into one’s life, in turn affecting the lives of their family members as well. What if there was no return … Continue reading

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shows you that you are not alone……it’s reported that today over 100 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from chronic pain. Controversy and contradiction are found in almost every aspect of chronic pain.  It’s so widespread and deeply rooted, that … Continue reading

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    …created a brief Survey designed to help you determine if you or a loved one may be struggling with a painweb. Click on Survey in the red navigation bar above to see if chronic pain is spinning a painweb within your life. … Continue reading

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will allow you to successfully manage the painweb giving you & your family a quality of life.  Uncovering the painweb too late will result in an increasing battle which may result in the painweb controlling all aspects of your life. … Continue reading

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mypainweb shows you hope. Understanding that living with chronic pain is the key which allows you to control the painweb. Searching for a cure will allow the painweb to strengthen & grow.

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mypainweb reveals chronic pain is complicated. There is no quick fix, and demonstrates the that the key is you. You must remain in control and in charge of your healthcare

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